Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Kadazan ondos doid Kinoingan - presented in Sokid dialect (Hongkod Koisaan)

1 comment:

  1. The Hongkod Koisaan (Cultural Center) is owned by KDCA, the members of whom are majority of lukewarm Christians from both the Catholics and other traditional Independent and non-denomination churches, who used it to organize the annual State Kaamatan Festivals,with its Beauty Contest show as its high lights, with strong and deceptive animistic flavor; the Bobolians (with their focus on contacting demonic and evil spirits, e.g. bambarayon, counterfeiting as good spirits) are given the honor and center stage to 'bless' the festivals. Where is the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, YHVH Elohim, who is supposed to be the Kinoingan Tama that these Kadazan Catholics and others are praying to. Are all the Kadazan priests, pastors and elders, including those who carries a PHD in theology behind their names e.g. Rev Dr. Peter Abbas, Dtk. Dr. Stephenie Baikan, etc, under spiritual deception too? No wonder political leaders like TS Pairin Kitingan, TS Bernard Dompok, Dtk Maximus Ongkili (born-again, spirit filled and tongue speaking evangelical) are oblivion of the fact that through the continual worship of Satan and his evil spirits, the Kadazans are under a CURSE. Just take a look at the statistics of young girls getting pregnant and dumbing their babies at the wayside, the numbers of incestuous cases, etc etc; and the Church of Jesus Christ is keeping quite because the elders of the Churches have been given Datukship, etc or afraid of having no 'allocation from the Corrupted BN Government!?
    Well, the Good News is that God had been working behind doors and bringing sweeping changes in the lifestyles and thinking of the younger generations, especially those who belong to the Charismatic and Evangelical Churches, who used the Center for their annual youth conference, as the one above, where true and public worship in spirit and truth is given to the One and Only One, Yeshua HaMashiach. PTL
